学习 Decision Tree(Classification and Regression Tree)



  1. 整体的损失函数是怎么反射求导传播的?还是说,分裂求划分的时候已经完成了次优的求解过程?

Classically, this algorithm is referred to as “decision trees”, but on some platforms like R they are referred to by the more modern term CART.

原来 DT 和 CART 是一个概念啊。

The CART algorithm provides a foundation for important algorithms like bagged decision trees, random forest and boosted decision trees.

CART 是很多重要的机器学习方法的基石,如,bagged decision trees,random forest 和 boosted decision trees。
那么 bagged trees 和 random forest 分别是什么,它两有什么区别?

This is a numerical procedure where all the values are lined up and different split points are tried and tested using a cost function. The split with the best cost (lowest cost because we minimize cost) is selected.

使用一个 cost function ,根据损失最小的原则到分界点。

回归预测模型的 cost function

For regression predictive modeling problems the cost function that is minimized to choose split points is the sum squared error across all training samples that fall within the rectangle:

RegressionCostFunction=i=12(yipredictioni)2 Regression Cost Function = \sum^{2}_{i = 1}(y_i - prediction_i)^2

使用 square error 最小的点作为分界点。这里的 prediction ,我理解是划分之后的均值。

Where y is the output for the training sample and prediction is the predicted output for the rectangle.

prediction 是输出区间的输出值。

分类模型 cost function: Gini Index

For classification the Gini index function is used which provides an indication of how “pure” the leaf nodes are (how mixed the training data assigned to each node is).

G=k=1npk(1pk) G = \sum^{n}_{k = 1} p_k * (1 - p_k)

Gini Index 是变了判断一个划分里面的分类结果的混乱程度。
其中,$p_k$ 指在一个划分里面,类别为 k 的样本点占所有样本点的比率。
如在二分类中,如果全部分成同一类则 $G==0$,如果是均分的话就是 $G==\frac{1}{2}$。

G 越大,说明分类越混乱,我们认为划分的越不好。或者说划分作用越差。反之,则说明划分越好。

Gini Index 可能会出现一个划分(Group)中样本比较少,但是比较乱,而生成得分较高。
比如只有两个样本,这样就是 0.5 。另外一个划分样本比较多,但是相对没胡那么乱,得到就较低。

Gini Score

G=i=1n{[k=1npk(1pk)]SumOfInstancesInThisGroupiSumOfAllInstances} G = \sum^{n}_{i = 1}\{[\sum^{n}_{k = 1} p_k * (1 - p_k)] * \frac{SumOfInstancesInThisGroup_i}{SumOfAllInstances}\}

与 Gini Index 相比,Gini Score 更好地考虑了不同划分中样本个数的权重。

Stop Criterion 停止分裂的标准。



The stopping criterion is important as it strongly influences the performance of your tree. You can use pruning after learning your tree to further lift performance.


  1. 停止分裂条件。这个条件一视同仁地给出了停止分裂的条件,该方法不对当前划分里面的数据进行判断,只判断样本数量。
  2. 剪枝方法。这个对当前划分及相关子划分的数据进行计算,减少树的分支。

Pruning The Tree


The fastest and simplest pruning method is to work through each leaf node in the tree and evaluate the effect of removing it using a hold-out test set. Leaf nodes are removed only if it results in a drop in the overall cost function on the entire test set. You stop removing nodes when no further improvements can be made.



  1. 决策树的传统名字是 Decision Tree,现代一点的名字是 Classification And Regression Trees (CART)。
  2. CART 使用二叉树表示。
  3. 给定一个输入之后,CART 模型通过遍历二叉树分支进行预测。
  4. 树模型的生成,使用的是贪心算法寻找每次划分的分割点。
  5. 停止条件决定是模型的学习力度,剪枝提高了模型性能(适应性)。

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